A person who is who is extremely eager, zealous, or enthusiastic. [Non-AvE word, Canadian slang]
Category: noun
1. $1000. Kilo being the SI prefix for 00.
Marzel Vanes
Reference to “Turbo-Encabulator product description – Pseudo-Engineering technobabble.
Mass of the Ass
The material, substance, part, or object being worked on. Commonly referred to as being poorly or correctly induced (influenced/affected by) by the Angle of the Dangle. (see “Angle of the Dangle)
Person who hand works tree carcasses. Also known as a woodworker.
Gettin’ Spot
A store, often in the business of selling tools or other hardware.
Internals of a complex electronic device or machine. [Non-AvE word; the gizzard is a digestive organ in some animals, mainly birds and lizards.]
Gland End
The “business end of any long part. Term origin is in hydraulics, but AvE usage may be found in any context. [Non-AvE word.] Euphemistic reference to the Glans Penis, the sensitive bulbous structure at the distal end of the human penis.
Grand marteau
French meaning large hammer.
Mass, weight. “Ho-ly! She’s got some gravity to ‘er! [Non-AvE word.]