- adjustable hammer
- Adjustamente
- Aesthetic acid
- Air Soluble
- alamajeezawhaz
- Aluminimum
- Aluminium
- America’s favorite libation
- America’s Hat
- America’s Hat
- America’s favorite libation
- Ampacity
- Ancillary Entitlements
- Angle of the Dangle
- Angry Pixies
- Angry pixie containment device
- Angry pixie physical containment device
- angry pixie receptacle
- Annum
- Apprentice Marks
- Approximeter
- Arkansass
- Armstrong
- Armstrong Mixer
- arse over tit
- Art Bin
- Askhole
- Ass Load
- Astroglide
- Atlas CrapCo
- Atodaso
- Audiofool
- Audiofools
- Automagic
- Automatic Thumb Detector
- AvE
- Away Mission
- A loose wing nut on the steering wheel
- Baby Doll
- Backasswards
- Backyardigans
- Balls deep in some dirty seaman’s (semen) bilge.
- Ball-parker
- Bang stick batteries
- Barking Spiders
- Basal Platten
- Basoplatin
- Bateria
- Batterlation
- beer
- Beer Holder
- Beer tokens
- Belt-and-Suspenders
- Bendy
- Better Three Quarters
- Betwixt
- BFFI Technique
- Big Bertha
- Big Rock Candy Mountain (in the Sky)
- Big Shitty
- Bird Dog
- Bitch Mittens
- Bits n’ bobs
- Bits ‘n Pickles
- Black and Decker Pecker Wrecker
- Blob on board
- Blonde Cunt Hair
- Blonde One
- Blows
- Blow job’er
- Blueberry
- Bob’s Your Aunty
- bohunk
- bolts
- Bonus Nachos
- Booby Jizzler
- Booger Hook
- Borsh
- Bottom Side Topwise
- Bouton
- Brain box
- Brain wave
- British Columbia
- Buck Off
- Buddy GNU
- Budget Troll
- Bud Light
- Bull cook
- Bumblefuckery
- Bumble Fuck
- Buna-N
- Buna-N Condom
- Burninator
- Burn your mother’s hausenda down
- Bustumicated
- Buzzwiper simulated rice wine beverage
- Cadillac of automobiles
- Cambodian Tire
- Canaderp
- Canadian Peso
- Canadian pesos
- Cancer
- Canuck
- Canuckistan Kopeck
- Captain Hindrider
- Carbonated
- Carbon foam
- Carefuling
- Carefulling
- Car Painter
- Cattywampus
- Chairman Mao’s Dollarama
- Cheddah
- Cheese-grade
- Chermany
- Chickadee
- Chicken Stick
- Chief Engineer
- China
- Chinada
- China Export Mark (CE)
- Chinese safety boot
- Chinesium
- Chinesium/Chineeseium
- Chinglish
- Chinglish
- Chintzy
- Chintzy (Chin-see)
- Chooch
- Choocher
- Chooch Factor
- Chooch juice
- Chowdered
- Chris
- Christ Was a Cowboy
- Chuck it in the fuckit-bucket
- Church Key
- Clapped-Out
- Click !
- Clipboard warriors
- Close yer lungs we’re goin’ in
- Coal fired
- Cockford-Ollie
- Cockwise
- cock-stiff
- Code Brown
- Cold as a whore’s heart
- Columbian Marching Powder
- Comperstand
- Comptroller
- Confuser
- Confusion 360
- Confusion 360
- connectagazoink
- continental types
- Con Carne
- Corntact
- Corn Growers Association of America
- Crack master-carr
- Crapacitor
- Crapped-Out
- Crappy Tire
- Crapsman
- Craptacular
- Crib death
- Cromulated
- Cromulent
- Cromulicity
- Crusty
- Cryobi
- Cumstain tongueglide
- Cunning Linguist
- Cuntstain Targlide – Tungsten Carbide
- Cunt hair (Australian vs North American usage)
- Cunt Scratchers
- Cunt-lick Tongue-slide
- Dancing Pixies
- Das blinkenlights
- Das blinkin lightsin’
- Dead Nuts
- Dead tree carcass
- Dear John
- DeFault
- Deflummox-cised
- Demonetized
- Demon Pixies
- Detect-orb
- Dewclaw
- DeWilt
- Dew Claw
- De-Chooch
- Diaper cream
- Dickered
- Dick beaters
- Dihydrogen Monoxide
- Dilly of a pickle
- Dinges-end
- Dinosaur squeezings
- Dirty Bastages
- Dirty Dick Beaters
- Dirty little dick beaters
- Doctoral Thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Dodgery
- Doll hairs
- Dolphin Slayer
- Don’t stick your fingie where you don’t stick your dinkie.
- Don’t mind if I don’t
- Doobly-Doo
- Double Dutch Rudder
- Double Rubber
- Douche Flute
- Do-Re-Mi
- Droopy Dick Syndrome
- Dry as a Popcorn Fart
- Dull Beaver
- dumber than a bag of hammers
- dumber than a hemlock stump
- Dunderheaded
- Dungarees
- Dungarees Frankenstein
- Dungarees Science
- Durasmell
- Fabricobble
- Fabricobler
- Facefuck
- Factory Delete
- Fajita
- Fajita Grinder
- Family maintenance checks
- Family planning in a can
- Family planning in a can
- Fap-off
- Farmer wrench
- Farmer Wrench
- Farstner
- Fart and let the smoke out
- Fart Smeller
- Fat fuck in the pantsuit
- Favorite contemporary poet
- Festering Stool
- Fetch
- Fick Dich!
- Finding blindness
- Fingered
- Fingies
- First time tight, second time alright
- Flat as a pannekoeken
- Flea Bay
- Flesh Cutter
- Fluffery
- Fluke
- Fluore Scent Oil
- Focus you fack!
- Fonzarelli Routine
- Foreplay
- Foreskin
- Forkie mc forkface
- For Frog Snacks
- For Tom Sachs
- Frabricobble
- Frame you fack!
- Frankenstein
- Freedom bucks
- Freedom Dollars
- Freedom Seeds
- Freedom units
- Free ninety nine
- Frendarin
- Frigol
- Frost Back
- Frost Backs
- Frozen shithole of Hoth
- Fruke
- Fuckery
- Fuckulate
- Fuck All on a Big Ship
- Fuck the next guy
- Fuck’em
- Fuck-it bucket
- Fudge Factor
- Fukafukme
- Full Pull
- Gack Drawer
- Gargler
- Gas Axe
- Gettin’ spot
- Gettin’ Spot
- Ghetto blaster
- Girls We’d LIKE to Go With
- Girth fake
- Girth fake
- Girth fake
- Gizzards
- Gland End
- Gnarly
- Gonorsyphilherpeaides
- Goo
- Good from afar but far from good
- Good idea fairies
- Gotta piss with the cock ya got
- Go carts with wings
- Grand marteau
- Gravity
- Great Canadian Wasteland
- green death
- Grinders and Paint make me the welder I ain’t
- Gription
- Growl Grunch
- Gun Jesus
- Gutentight
- Guys on the tools
- Gweilo
- Hack
- Hack-a-ma-saw
- Hakko 888D
- Half a bee’s dick
- Handsome young Persian man with the uni brow
- Hand fist
- Hand job
- Hangulation
- Hardly great tools
- Hard as a coffin nail
- Hard as a wedding night pecker
- Hard as woodpeckers lips
- Hazard Fart
- Hazard Fraught
- Heaa
- Healing bench
- Hello Tractor
- Hershey squirt
- Hey mister want to buy my thermister
- High fructose cornsyrup and red dye number five
- Hilti
- Himalayan nylon
- hiscock69
- Hive mind
- Holy Water
- Homeless Deathspot
- Homeless Death Spot (or despot)
- Home Despot
- Home gamer
- Hong Kong steamer
- Hooped
- Hooper-Juped
- Hoosget
- Hoo haa
- Hoo haa rattler
- Hoo-haa rattler
- Horrible Freight
- Horror Fright
- Hot dog down a hallway
- Hot metal glue gun
- Hot Snot
- Hot supper
- Humilivated
- Hung Low Charlie
- Hunt and pecker routine
- Make your dingus fall off
- Makin’ Chips
- Manitoba Marlinspike
- Many ways to fricassee a cat
- man-glitter
- Mao’s great rock candy mountain
- Mao’s Dollarama
- Marketing Wank
- Marzel Vanes
- Masochist
- Mass of the Ass
- Mastercrap
- Maynard
- McMaster-Bate
- McMaster-Carp
- Mc Charge Faster
- Mean bastard socket in yonder wall
- Meathook Abortion
- Metric fanboys
- Metric shit-ton
- Mexican Socket Set
- Milfucky
- Miller Muscle
- Milsucky
- Milwaukee
- Milwaukee Workshop
- Molly
- Molybdenum disulfide
- Mosquito
- Moteurb
- MotherShip
- Mo’ Powah
- Muskick
- My Favorite Libation
- Pain in the cunning linguals
- Pair ‘o dolls
- Panasuckit
- Pan of ice
- Pecker Detector
- Peek under the skirts
- Percussive Maintenance
- Persuader
- Pissin’ with the cock you got
- Pissy
- Pistoné
- Pixie
- Pixies
- Pixie Choreography Department
- Pixie receptacle
- Pixie wrangler
- Plastique
- Plug your nose and keep on lickin’
- Plumber for ones and zeros
- Plumber’s Faucet Knurler
- Plum a’mma Bob
- Pokey Bit
- Pokey Bit Receptacle
- Popania
- PotatoVision
- Powder Actuated Pew Pew
- Power Fister
- Po Dunk
- Predator Vision
- Prefamulated
- Pre Fuckulated
- Prime Directive
- Princess Auto
- Private Dancer
- Procrasturbation
- Pronounced with a Spanish accent
- Prudence
- Pug fuggly
- Rapid onset lead poisoning
- Rattle factor
- Rectum fryer
- Rectum-frier
- Recycled Toilet Paper
- Redneck Fume Hood
- Red Green
- Red Nile
- Red One
- reef, reefing
- Release the schmoo!!
- Retirement Plan
- Retrouded
- Ridden Hard and Put Away Wet
- Right off the hop
- Rigid Carbohydrate Foam
- Ripum
- Rip-ums
- Rocket Surgery
- Ronald McNolald birthday party
- Rough Seas Make Fine Salors
- Royal teeth
- Safety Goat
- Safety McGlasses
- Safety M’Glarses
- Safety squints
- Safety squints
- Safety squints engaged, and yer mother on speed dial
- Samasuckit
- Samasung
- Sasaktchewan Socket Wrench
- Saskatchewan Loctite
- Satisfactin’
- Scandihoovian
- Schadenfreude
- Schmoo
- Scienticians
- Seagull Manager
- Sea can
- Sharts
- Shenzhen
- Sherlock Holmes routine
- She who must be obeyed
- Shituation
- shit bucket
- Shit in one sock
- Shit Stain
- Shit the Bed
- Shit tickets
- Shlang
- Shmoo
- Shmoo/Schmoo
- Shop Crummy
- Shop Rat
- Short story long and curly
- Sili con carne
- Silly Con [Carne]
- Skier’s Seat
- Skookem/Skookum (skew-come)
- Skookumfact
- Skookumify
- skookum as Frigg
- slamazon
- Slaughtering Iron
- Smack and Check Her
- Smell Phone
- Smell phone
- Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em
- Snap-On Rape Wagon
- Snatch 33
- Snow-Mexican
- Sodding Iron
- Son of a Diddly
- Sore Dick Deal
- Sore dick deal.
- Spaghetti Monster
- Speak Castellano in a hurry
- Spearamints
- Spinamathingin
- Springamathing
- Springin Sproingin
- Springin Sproingin
- Sprung a Leak
- State of Cancer
- Steel erection
- Stiction
- Stiff as a wedding prick
- Stone-Flinger
- Stools on the tools
- Stove pipe
- Stupervisor
- Stuper glue
- Stupid like a fox
- Submit Rating
- Sullivant
- Summer teeth
- Swedish Nut Fucker
- Swedish Nut Lathe
- Swing Press
- S&M
- Tabarnak
- Tabernacle
- Tallest rocket on the launch pad
- Tappy tap tap
- Tappy Tap Tap
- Tap water
- Tea Bag
- Tea bag
- Terry The Torch
- Thaitanium
- Theft Deterrent
- The Bigger the Gob, the better the Job
- The cock for dolly
- The Dew Claw’s last Saturday night
- The frozen shit-hole of Hoth
- The Haus
- The heat of the meat is proportional to the angle of the dangle
- The most ergonomic handle
- The old jazz hands routine on the gargling machine
- The problem is between the seat and the steering wheel
- The room known as the wife’s sewings
- The Stranger
- The Stranger
- The usual suspects
- Thou
- Threaded carpenter’s nail
- Thumb detecting nut fucker
- Thumb detecting nut fucker
- Thumb Detector
- tickety-boo
- Tighter than a dick’s hat-band
- Tighter then dicks hatband
- Time!
- Tinternet
- Tits and Pickles
- Titterpated
- Titty Bit
- Toit
- Tombstony
- Tom Hurtin’s
- Tonguetangulated
- too dumb to pour piss out of a boot
- toungetagulation
- To kill you shots
- Tree Carcass
- Triple Nickel
- Triple nickle timer
- Tungsten Tardlide
- Turd Herder
- Turgid
- Turn ’till you hear CRACK, then, back a quarter turn
- twitch swigger
- Two hundred pound gorilla
- Two years old mother truckers!
- Two-smoke
- T’internets
- Wank
- Weak Winch…Nudge Nudge
- Wedding
- Weeble Wobble
- Western European Throat Disease
- Western European Throat Disease
- What do men and beer have in common? They are both empty from the neck up!
- What in the fucksnakes
- What the fuck? Over
- What-for
- What’s the point of having the cock and balls of a bull moose if you can’t swing them around every once in a while?
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Where the rubber meets the road
- Whipper Snipper
- Whiskey Dick Soft
- Widlar-izer
- Wiener Schliden
- Wiley Teutonic Buggers
- Willfuckee
- Will fuck you
- Wobbly Pops
- Woodpecker lips
- Wood nymph