A low person’s idea of an impossibly-fanciful paradise, where amazing things are commonplace. “…right from the Big Rock Candy Mountain: Shenzhen—ten bucks!” [Non-AvE word, originates from a folk song of the same name.]
Helping the rest of the world understand Uncle Bumblefuck
A low person’s idea of an impossibly-fanciful paradise, where amazing things are commonplace. “…right from the Big Rock Candy Mountain: Shenzhen—ten bucks!” [Non-AvE word, originates from a folk song of the same name.]
BRCM refers to the Pupals Repubic of Chinesum. aka Big Republic of Chinese Manufracturing.
Yes, as in “The Big ROC (Republic of China) Candy Mountain”.
Low person? More likely related to sugarcandy mountain, from Animal Farm by Orwell.
Nah, definitely the folk song from the 20s about the nonsensical hobo paradise. Cigarette trees and whiskey springs, cops with wooden legs, and bulldogs with rubber teeth.