Homeless Death Spot (or despot) 4.71/5 (35) The Home Depot Home Death Spot (Also suggested as Homeless Despot) SKOOKUM AS FRIG? Related posts: Horror Fright The usual suspects Usual Scumbags, The Home Despot Gettin’ Spot Gettin’ spot green death Homeless Deathspot Keep yer dick inna vise What do men and beer have in common? They are both empty from the neck up!
You need professional help son…..
Honestly, the first few times, I heard it as the Homeless Death spot…
He says it sometimes
“Homeless death spot” makes more sense than ‘despot’.
It does. I think we’ll alter it a little
When did making more sense have anything to do with what AVE says? Weird that you changed it. Homeless despot is ironic. It’s more funny. Homeless death spot is sad and probably somewhat accurate.